Note: What follows below is the transcript/script of the video.
I have to admit being surprised when I found out Dr. Craig did a podcast response to my Countering the Kalam series. I am extremely gratified to see that I’d garnered enough attention online that he felt it worth his time to put out a response. For that, I'm extremely grateful. Given the other two YouTube personalities he’s put online responses to that I know of, and how instrumental their content was in my own deconversion, I see this as kind of a badge of honor. I’m speaking here of YouTuber’s TheoreticalBullshit and SkyDivePhil.
Following their lead, I feel the need to respond in kind to
clear the air. I feel that Dr. Craig has left the door open to allow me to express
some flaws in his arguments, and to further critique the Kalam. It’s also been a long time since I’ve done a
proper YouTube video due to work and life just getting more demanding in the
past year since I started this online atheism thing. Who knew being a dad would
take so much time?
In case you’ve not seen it, I have a link to Craig’s post/podcast right here,
but I will be quoting the relevant parts as we go through my rebuttal. I also hope Craig, if he’s listening, and
anyone following the exchange don’t mind if I respond a bit out of the order
Craig used to present critiques to me.
So with all that, let’s begin.